Lisbon announces range of measures to keep city moving
Lisbon has recently announced a series of measures in urban mobility in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The Portuguese city has announced a suite of measures to combat the spread of the virus, including several measures on transport. These include new measures on public transport, parking and home deliveries.
Public Transport
Lisbon has taken several steps to ensure that public transport can continue to run for those who need it and is safe and hygienic. All vehicles in service will be frequently disinfected, with special attention given to key areas. Several measures are aimed at ensuring minimal contact with drivers, including physical separation from the driver with a barrier; boarding and alighting through the back door, with the front door remaining closed; and the suspension of on-board sales. Additionally, ticket validation will be optional, and mandatory service to all stops, so that passengers do not have to press the 'stop' button.
Home Deliveries
To facilitate delivery services in a time of increased demand, new measures have been announced. Bike sharing services will be made available to those delivering food and medication -- previously prohibited before the virus outbreak. The city authority has also created a special partnership so that these mobility operators can provide this type of service throughout the duration of the State of Emergency.
Payment of street parking has been temporarily suspended. Residents may use parking garages for free to park their cars for the duration of the State of Emergency.
“Yes, we’re open” Portal
Web platform that shows which local shops remain open, to sell food, medication and other basic necessities. This includes restaurants with take-away and deliveries. it’s convenient, and helps prevent unnecessary trips . Check it out here:
Street Cleaning
The City has intensified mechanical cleaning of streets, and is reinforcing cleaning and disinfection efforts in strategic parts of public space, especially in public transport hubs.
Close cooperation with Local Boroughs
The city authority is partnering up with its 24 local boroughs to support the acquisition of basic necessities (medication, food) to those most in need, namely the elderly (65 and over), chronic patients, and patients put under home quarantine. Dedicated phone lines have been created to provide company and psychological support to those in isolation (E.g. Whatsapp connections between the young and the old).
Other measures have been taken across the city on a range of social and economic issues, including free meals for some school children, increased support for social services, and more support for older citizens and homeless people.