Workshop on challenges & opportunities of road automation for cities
CityMobil2 is a European FP7 project demonstrating automated road transport systems at various sites across Europe. Currently, the La Rochelle (FR) and Oristano (IT) demonstrations have been successfully completed and the Lausanne (CH) demo is underway.
The CityMobil2 Reference Group, coordinated by Polis, provides an opportunity for organisations with a stake in automation (notably urban road authorities) to become more familiar with automated transport systems, particulary the collective road transport systems demonstrated within CityMobil2.
The Reference Group currently has around 25 members, including many city authorities and some public transport organisations. It has already met on two occasions. The next meeting in Lausanne will explore the possible impact of road automation on city authorities (urban planning and design, infrastructure, etc) and the contribution of automation to shared services and the role that cities can play therein.
For more information about the CityMobil2 Reference Group, contact Suzanne Hoadley.