Register now: Joint Polis-ITF workshop on road safety and data on 20-21 November
The meeting is organised back to back to the 2018 Polis Conference (22-23/11 in Manchester), allowing you to combine the two events.
Polis members Aarhus, Amsterdam, Helmon, London and Utrecht are among the speakers. Download the draft agenda here.
Topics to be discussed in the meeting will include:
- Crash data collection & alternative sources of injury data
- Speed monitoring, enforcement and the role of street design
- Pedestrian / cyclist / motorcyclist safety sessions
- New directions for data-driven transport safety (big data, data sharing, etc.)
- Benchmarking road safety across world cities
- Integration of road safety in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
- Use of road safety data in policy definition and evaluation
To attend the workshop, please register here!
Polis members interested to present their work at the meeting should send short abstracts until September 7th to Dagmar Köhler,