POLITE 4th newsletter presents each site’s implementation plan
The POLITE project has entered in its last year. It will be a very intense year as the partners are working on the elaboration of their implementation plans. These plans will showcase the lessons learnt and how they will be applied in each site’s home environment. In the 4th newsletter, which has just been published, each of the implementation plans are presented in short, giving an idea of what good practice each site will adopt. The newsletter offers also other interesting articles to read, such as one on the topic “Will credit cards overshadow current smart cards in public transport ticketing?”
The POLITE project partners are meeting between 12-13 March for a Joint Policy Exercise meeting in Brno, Czech Republic. Partners will discuss their implementation plans and will have a site visit to the Brno traffic control centre (the second best in the country) and to the Brno public transport control centre.
All partners are organising local dissemination events in their countries throughout 2014 and the POLITE final conference will take place at the end of October, beginning of November. For more information, check regularly the POLITE website: http://www.polite-project.eu/