
Polis welcomed five new members this Autumn

These are the latest members:

  • Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI, France) coordinates the transport sector strategy for the regional automotive industry.
  • Helmond (The Netherlands) is testing smart mobility solutions including cooperative ITS, ITS to increase safety of vulnerable road users as well as automated driving.
  • Nantes Métropole (France) brings together 24 municipalities and has full competence delegated from the constituent municipalities on mobility, public transport, urban planning and public works.
  • Rogaland County in Norway is responsible for maintenance and planning of county roads, allocation of resources to local boat and bus routes, permit allocations and licences for taxis and transport for the disabled.
  • Thessaloniki's Public Transport Authority (ThePTA, Greece) is engaging in sustainable urban transport planning and within the NODES project working on land use and infrastructure for interchanges, intermodality & ICT.

Polis is delighted to welcome these five new members to the network. With different frameworks and priorities, they will bring in new expertise to Polis working groups and activities, while benefiting in turn from the exchange with their European colleagues, having easier access to European funding,and making their voice heard at European level.

Meet the new members

Rogaland and Thessaloniki already confirmed to engage in the 2014 Polis Conference, and to establish personal contacts within the Polis network and beyond: "We look forward to meeting our peers from other cities at this year's Polis Conference in November!", says Joachim Weisser of Rogaland County Council.

Polis executive director Karen Vancluysen has also been invited as keynote speaker at the upcoming ΤhePTA Conference on “Public Transport within an integrated policy framework for urban mobility in Thessaloniki”, which will serve as a perfect opportunity to personally welcome ThePTA to the Polis network. Karen’s speech will focus on the deployment of public transport innovation in European cities and regions. Bretagne Développement Innovation will be visiting Polis in Brussels at the beginning of December to discuss common priorities.

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