Polis supports 2nd Urban Future Conference
The second edition of the Urban Future Conference aims to bring innovative mobility concepts to the implementation level: In addition to knowing what to do in order to reduce your city’s climate impact, the conference focuses on knowing HOW to do it. „How can I really make change happen?“ is the key question the conference organisers asked themselves.
Reduced conference passes for Polis members
More than 1,500 participants from 300+ cities in 50 countries are expected in Graz, Austria. Polis supports the conference as Networking partner. Polis member benefit from special ticket rates of only EUR 290 or EUR 90 for city representatives (compared to EUR 750 normal fee). Please contact Polis (dkoehler@polisnetwork.eu) to obtain the discount codes.
Conference propgramme: click here.
Register online at http://www.urbanfuture.at/en/.