
Polis member Brussels launches "Carsharing Summer Experience”

It has been calculated that about 175.000 people come to Brussels everyday by making individual trips (i.e. one person per car) and thus causing congestion and contributing to polluting the air. The new Carsharing Summer Experience has the purpose to ease Brussels congestion and to improve the air quality of the whole region.

“Half of the people living in Brussels do not have a car, but they do breathe the worst air in the entire country. That is no longer possible”, Brussels minister for mobility and public works Pascal Smet recently said in occasion of the promotion of ComOn, a new app for carpooling.

Carsharing can have a big potential to reduce congestion and car ownership. The Carsharing Summer Experience website clusters all carsharing services available in the Brussels capital region in order to allow everyone to select the best car sharing service based on their needs, destination and travelling time.

The mains purposes of this campaign are:

  • Reduce the vehicle fleet (a decrease of 20% would already unclog the city)
  • Fight car congestion
  • Cut environmental pollution in the city
  • Give back the public area to the citizen by scaling down parking areas
  • Promote a multimodal vision of the city (carsharing – bikes – public transport…)

Find out more on this website and join the #carsharingsummer in Brussels!
