
Midterm review on the White Paper on Transport: Wim Van de Camp report adopted!

This report, albeit being an own-initiative report hence non-legislative, represented a key challenge for the transport sector in Europe for the next ten years. Several orientation and framework have been proposed for each transport modes.

One key element for Polis activities was the adoption of a target aiming at doubling the use of land transport. Indeed, Polis advocated with several other european organizations within the European Citizen Mobility Forum, to have such key target included in the report to better cope with the need to improve public urban transport. In this scenario, ECMF members drafted a 2015-2025 action programme to properly meet with such an ambitious target.

A second event related to this report was the meeting organised by the ECMF with Members of the European Parliament, including the rapporteur, which was held on Thursday 17th September. Polis participated in the debate by presenting the effort made by cities to improve collective transport.

The adopted text can be found here.

The ECMF Action Programme is accesible via this link.