Joint Declaration of Intent for electric freight vehicles: Join the initiative
Preliminary FREVUE results do not only highlight the technical and operational suitability of fully electric freight vehicles but also their limited availability and high prices. On the other hand, many vehicle suppliers are not yet convinced of sufficient demand for electric freight vehicles.
It is therefore important to clearly communicate the demand for electric freight vehicles to suppliers. We therefore invite urban logistics operators and all fleet owners interested in the electrification of their fleet to sign the Declaration of Intent.
How cities and regions can help?
If your city or region owns a fleet of freight vehicles (incl. maintenance vans, waste collection trucks, etc.) you can sign the Declaration of Interest. This will help to:
1 – Persuade vehicle manufacturers to start and/or scale up development and production of (hybrid) electric trucks
2 – strengthen bids for financial support as long as electric trucks remain considerably more expensive than their diesel alternatives
Cities and regions can also promote and circulate the DoI among the local freight operators.
The results of this initiative will be officially presented at the FREVUE Final Conference on 21st June in London.
- More information and DoI to download in English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French
- Contact: