International Conference on CiELo project and cycling in the mediterranean area
The conference will focus on local activities to provide infastructure and services for cycling and integration with the public tranport system with the aim to transfer these actions at the euro-mediterranean level.
The event is organised by CiELo – (City-port Eco Logistics) a cooperation project funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Italy 2007-2013”. Cities of Bari, Brindisi, Corfù (represented by Corfu Municipality Sole Shareholder co. S.A.) and Patras (represented by Patras Municipal Enterprise for Planning & Development S.A.) are partnering in the project together with Assessorato alle Infrastrutture, Mobilità e Lavori Pubblici of Puglia Region.
For more information, please contact Raffaele Sforza at Regione Puglia, tel: +39 080 5405602