
In the aftermath of European elections European institutions move forward on key positions and on outlining work priorities for future as Italy takes over the Presidency of the EU

Last week the European Council meeting of the Heads’ of State and government chose by 26 votes against 2 to nominate the Luxembourg former Prime Minister and Eurogroup chief as the new president of the European Commission. His nomination will be approved by the European Parliament at its mid-July plenary. The heads of State and Governments set out five overarching priorities for the next legislature: stronger economies with more jobs; societies enabled to empower and protect; a secure energy and climate future; a trusted area of fundamental freedoms; effective joint action in the world. A major chapter of the Council’s conclusions concerned Energy and Climate change, welcoming the Commission’s Energy security strategy and the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive.

The European Parliament elected its President for the first half of the next five years, the German Martin Schulz who was already at the head of the institution before the elections. In the next two days, the European Parliament will nominate the chairs and Vice chairs of the Committees as well as their composition following one month of negotiations between the political groups. The Transport Committee in the European Parliament will have a new chairman as the former one, Brian Simpson (UK S&D) did not run again.

Finally on the first of July, Italy succeeded Greece and took over the Presidency of the EU for the second half of the year, before Latvia and Luxembourg take over in 2015. For more information on the outcome of the European Council meeting on the 26/27 of June, click here.