
Greater Manchester launches 2040 transport vision public consultation

The vision will provide a focus for transport investment up to 2040 and beyond.

Key elements of the vision are:

  • To support sustainable economic growth:
  • less congested roads and public transport;
  • better access to skills and markets;
  • more reliable journey times;
  • a resilient and well-maintained network; and
  • a transport system fit for a major European city, which is viewed as a great place to visit and invest.

To improve the quality of life for Manchester's residents:

  • better access to jobs and training, and to health-care and other essential services;
  • a transport network that makes it easier to stay healthy through regular walking and cycling;
  • improved road safety and reduced crime; and local environments that are not dominated by traffic, noise and pollution.

 To help protect the environment:

  • more people to travel by public transport, on foot and by bike;
  • a reduction in harmful emissions from vehicles;
  • to make best use of our existing transport infrastructure; and
  • a reduction in the damage that transport can do to natural environments.

In working towards the above outcomes, Manchester will take advantage of the significant opportunities offered by technology and innovation to establish a truly integrated transport system.

To develop Greater Manchester as an innovative city region,  investment in transport is needed to:

  • enhance the capacity, efficiency, resilience and safety of our transport networks;
  • improve customer experience through easy to use, integrated payment systems and real-time information;
  • understand better the needs of our travelling customers through 'smarter' data collection, trend analysis and forecasts;
  • reduce environmental impacts through low-emission vehicle technology; and
  • reduce the need to travel and transport goods through advances in digital communications.

The new Greater Manchester Transport Strategy for 2040, which is due to be published in 2016 and which, together with subsequent more detailed 5-year Transport Delivery Plans, will form the new statutory Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan.  These documents will provide more detail on how we will deliver our Vision over the coming years. 

Further information here.