EPTA project publishes feasibility studies for PTAs
After a phase of scrutiny of existing PTA models and experiences (including several Polis membership examples), the project partners have now concluded the stage of developing feasibility studies for PTAs in their local context. The Feasibility Study of SRM, the PTA of Bologna, for instance, focused on the service contract with the Operator, with particular regard to the control of the service provided. The studies shall enable all the involved stakeholders to understand well local needs, characteristics of the new solution and its long-term potential, in order to take a sound political/business decision on whether to proceed with the implementation of the suggested solution. To this aim, EPTA Implementation Plans (to be produced by each study site and at project level) will give continuity to the study process and identify the potential for after-project development.
The Feasibility Studies developed in EPTA Project by the 8 involved cities can be divided into two main groups based on the size, the characteristics and the responsibility for Public Transport (PT) Services in each city. Smaller cities preferred to analyze issues dealing with service planning, integration and promotion. They are also the focus of the just released Autumn issue of the EPTA newsletter. Large and medium-size cities focused their attention on the establishment of a new Public Transport Authority (PTA), on tendering and awarding procedures and on Service Contract (addressed in the previous newsletter).
The sixth workshop and training as part of the EPTA project are also approaching. They will take place on 29-30 October in Razlog, Bulgaria. The workshop will deal with the topic "The service contract management: policies into action". In addition to the key concepts and experiences at EU level, participants will learn about the Bulgarian case. Demand responsive transport (DRT) will be in focus of the training course. The legal framework for service contract management of DRTs, key concepts related to that and some good practices from around Europe will be presented. The case of Razlog with its needs, requirements and constraints will be discussed with local representatives. The Municipality of Razlog welcomes interested participants to attend the two events and discuss all these important issues.
The agenda is available on EPTA website.