
EIP-SCC Marketplace General Assembly: Register until 8 May

The assembly provides an opportunity to receive the latest updates on Smart Cities in Europe, find business opportunities and to extend your network.

The Fair is expecting more than 4,000 participants. Moreover, it will comprise 25 parallel conferences, organized by independent partners, highlighting different aspects of smart and sustainable urban development.

The morning session will be opened by Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport, and Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society. Bringing together mayors, CEOs and high-level speakers, this session will act as a platform for an open discussion to explore new ways to increase synergies between policies and funds, while addressing the need for citizen-engagement and city-needs driven market-building.

The afternoon will be devoted to meetings for the Action Clusters, including theAction Cluster Sustainable Urban Mobility, where members will promote good practices and discuss joint project development opportunities.

More information is available on the official website of the General Assembly including draft agendas for both the plenary session and the Action Clusters breakouts. 

It is possible to register via this link before the 8th May.