EC's urban C-ITS group prioritises C-ITS applications
The EC set ambitious goals for this meeting, specifically the identification of barriers to the deployment of C-ITS in cities, activities underway addressing these barriers and the gaps requiring action. Achieving the meeting goals did indeed prove a challenge given the different views of the meeting attendees and the complexity and diversity of the urban environment.
The main outputs of this first meeting included an agreement that a distinction has to be made between high-speed/capacity roads in urban areas (eg, arterial and orbital roads) and the rest of the road network which is essentially lower speed and has greater multi-modality. This means that some of the agreed Day 1 C-ITS applications considered more relevant for the motorways/interurban roads could well be suitable for this type of urban road, such as stationary vehicle warning or hazardous location warning (eg, debris on the road).
A second important output pertained to the prioritisation of the Day 1 & 1.5 applications listed in the report of the first phase of the C-ITS Deployment Platform. Each meeting participant was asked to indicate the top five C-ITS applications. The outcome of this exercise showed a clear preference for intersection-based applications, notably directed at selected fleets such as buses, trucks and emergency vehicles. The top five applications are listed below.
1. Traffic signal priority request by designated vehicles
2. Green light optimised speed advisory (GLOSA)/time to green (TTG)
3. Traffic information and smart routing
4. Park and ride information
5a. In-vehicle speed limits
5b. Probe vehicle data
5c. Vulnerable road user protection
For further information, contact: Suzanne Hoadley