
CIVITAS Workshop on Clean Vehicles and Fuels: Challenges and Solutions in electric charging infrastructure deployment

During the first day the current challenges that European cities face when deploying charging infrastructure will be discussed, including charging in residential areas, interoperability & services. A technical visit organised by the hosting city will complement this discussion and will introduce Rotterdam’s strategy for infrastructure deployment.

On the second day different electromobility policies and approaches to the location of charging infrastructure will be presented. The workshop will conclude with presentations and a discussion on how a business case for electric charging infrastructure could be achieved.

This CIVITAS workshop is free of charge but places are limited! You can consult the draft agenda and the information on the venue and hotels around this here. For more information you can and

Polis Members (only) are invited to attend a working group on clean vehicles on the 17 of June just after the CIVITAS workshop has ended (from 13:15 to 16:00).