CH4LLENGE project on Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) kicked off last week
The project’s consortium met on 21-22 May to present their plans about the upcoming work for the next 3 years until March 2016 and discuss related challenges. The 33 participants from nine cities and eight support organisations, together with the EACI (Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation) representative and the project Ambassador gathered in Cologne, Germany.
The CH4LLENGE project is a 3-year project funded by the EU Intelligent Energy Europe, the STEER (Energy aspects of transport) Programme. The goal of CH4LLENGE is to actively facilitate the take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) in European cities, and to establish a cross- initiative dialogue on overcoming SUMP challenges.
CH4LLENGE will develop innovative and transferable solutions to 4 challenges in order to:
- 1. Overcome challenges related to the participation of stakeholders.
- 2. Provide transferable strategies for institutional cooperation.
- 3. Elaborate a solid approach to identify SUMP´s effective measures and measure packages.
- 4. Present methodologies for the monitoring and evaluation of SUMP processes and measures.
The nine participating cities represent the diverse cultures in sustainable urban mobility planning in Europe. Those cities spearheading the new planning paradigm are; Amiens (FR), Dresden (DE), Gent (BE) and West Yorkshire (UK), followed by Brno (CZ), Budapest (HU), Krakow (PL), Timisoara (RO) and Zagreb (HR), who all have strong commitments towards the advancement of their own SUMP processes. The main focus of CH4LLENGE is on the pressing transport and mobility needs of cities in the new member states where the potential for positive impacts is the greatest. The project will therefore support 30 European follower cities at different stages of working with SUMP. The CH4LLENGE consortium will develop “challenge kits” and will set-up an e-learning platform.
Polis members Dresden, Gent and BKK are participating in CH4LLENGE, the first 2 being also WP leaders.