
Agenda available for SITE Final Conference "Smart ticketing for mobility in Europe: The contribution of the Atlantic Area"

The project has developed and trialled solutions which allow travellers to have greater mobility through the use of ticketing that is flexible and operable in different locations. The project has now reached its conclusion and provides an opportunity to share the learning and outcomes with a wide range of interest groups. Challenges of a more sustainable travel through smart ticketing in transports will be the main point under discussion in this final conference of the project.

This conference will be of particular interest to Public Transportation operators, Policy Makers, users of Public Tranport and mobility stakeholders.

The SITE (Smart Integrated Ticketing for Europe) project brings together 6 cities from the Atlantic Area - Nantes, San Sebastian, Liverpool, Dublin, Gijon, and Aveiro. During the lifetime of the project, they jointly worked on fare systems, technology, marketing & selling, using an integrated approach and developing common products.

The detailed agenda and a possibility to registrater are available on the SITE website.