2014 Polis Conference presentations and photos online
We were pleased to welcome 80 representatives of Polis members, including a number of new Polis members that took the opportunity to connect with the community, such as San Sebastian (ES), Helmond (NL), Leuven (BE), Nantes (FR), Thessaoliki (GR) and Bretagne Development (FR). Overall, the audience was comprised of local and regional authorities, national governments, research, industry and associations active on the local, reginal, national, European as well as the global level.
Download the conference presentations: https://www.polisnetwork.eu/2014presentations
The conference in pictures: Photos of the 2014 Polis Conference are available on flickr.
A recap on twitter: The twitter hashtag has been #polis14.
Download 'Thinking Cities': Access Thinking Cities #3 "Creating the healthy city" digitally and subscribe: https://www.polisnetwork.eu/thinkingcities
Podcast 'Thinking Aloud in the City': Two audio shows feature speakers of the 2014 Polis Conference: http://thinkingcities.com/category/podcasts/event-special-podcasts/
VRUITS Questionnaire: Your feedback is needed on ITS deployment in your city to help vulnerable road users benefit from the technology. The results of this survey will be used by the VRUITS project to establish the extent of ITS deployment in 2030. The questionnaire was in your participants bags, the electronic version is available here. Please return it to Cleo Davies (cdavies@polisnetwork.eu) by 31 December.
We thank all delegates for their interest and contributions and look forward to welcoming you to the next Polis Conference in Brussels 2015!